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How do you attract attention to your business?

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By Karen James

ATTENTION – the principal currency of a business. How do you attract attention to your business when there are numerous options for the same product or service available in a small market? You buy attention. Unless you master the art of converting prospects into customers and customers into champions for your brand, you will fail. Marketing spenders know how to prime the pump; they put money in to get more money out.

Marketing builds name recognition.  When you raise awareness of your business, you give prospects a reason to visit. When prospects visit, it increases the chances for sales and word of mouth promotion. There were businesses nominated by satisfied customers for our Best of SVG campaign; however, despite searching extensively, we couldn’t find them anywhere.  If we couldn’t find them, neither would prospective customers. 

Advertising is unusual for some businesses, but there’s proof that it works. Splectron started his photo studio business in 2007. For a while, business was good; but after a while, it declined.  He had two options: stand still and watch his dream die, or prime the pump. His choice to prime the pump has resulted in a steady increase in traffic. His weekly business card ad in SEARCHLIGHT was a key investment.

“You may have the best product and the best price, but if people don’t know who you are and what you offer, it makes no sense,” said Splectron.

Contact us today at or (784) 456-1558 or (784) 494-0031. We’ll help you get noticed.