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Thank you, from Interactive Media Limited!

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“Dear Client,

We may have failed to tell you…or may not have said it as often as we should…we want you to know how truly grateful we are for your business. We appreciate your friendship, loyalty and support from day one to day 8,271… and beyond. We appreciate, most of all, that of all the choices you have… you choose us. Sincerely yours, Interactive Media Limited (Searchlight).”

I heard a story about a very successful business in Japan. The people who operated the business credited their success to one main reason – at the start of each day, the entire staff spent about an hour expressing their gratitude for someone or something in their life. be it health, the environment, colleagues, loved ones or customers. No business was discussed in those sessions, just the connection with the heart. Apparently, since that became a morning feature, the business has thrived, more positive attitudes were developed, respect among colleagues improved, and the culture of the business became one of service, trust and integrity.

“Thank you” can be a powerful marketing tool, especially if the people you’re thanking really need to hear it. So, whether it’s with a whisper or a shout, say it and say it often.

I read somewhere that “thank you” was derived from “think”, that it used to mean “I will remember what you did for me.” Of all the origins of the words, I prefer this one. It acknowledges our dependence on others and reminds us that no man is an island.

So, from all of us at Interactive Media, we say “Dank U”, “Merci”, “Takk”, “Kiitos”, “Grazie”, “Mahola”, “Danke”, “Gracias”…Thank you!

Contact us today at or (784) 456-1558 or (784) 494-0031. We’ll help you get noticed.