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Redemption Sharpes man found guilty of causing grievious bodily harm

Redemption Sharpes man found guilty of causing grievious  bodily harm

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After stoning an older man to the ground of his own yard, a young Redemption Sharpes resident will spend the next four years incarcerated.

On Monday Bradley Browne, 30 years, was found guilty on a charge of grievous bodily harm against St Clair Harris of Redemption Sharpes, after a trial was conducted into the matter.

At first the defendant pleaded guilty to the offence, but a trial was decided when Browne said that Harris had been threatening to kill him.

Browne was acting in a distracted manner while he was being spoken to in court, and he answered that he was 13 years old, when asked his age, although he also admitted to being born in 1988. However, despite displaying antics, Browne had been cleared after an evaluation was completed.

Therefore, a trial ensued, which included four witnesses on the side of the prosecution, including Harris’ wife who was said to be there at the time, and Browne as the only witness for himself. Despite saying that he was threatened before, Browne did not apparently ask Harris about this in cross examination.

The court learned that the complainant did not know Browne at the time of the incident, except by face.

Harris, who also lives in Redemption Sharpes, was harvesting fruit in his backyard at around 6 p.m., while Browne could be observed teasing the Harris’ dogs by his fence.

It was when Harris decided to return to his home, that he was struck by two stones, one after the other. While his wife had shouted to him to look out, both stones struck the older man, one by his neck and the other his left shin. Harris was knocked to the ground, and had to be assisted by the neighbours.

A medical record showed that Harris had a small fracture to his knee.

Senior Magistrate Rickie Burnett apparently considered Browne’s extensive record, before sentencing him to four years imprisonment.

The matter was prosecuted by Prosecutor Sergeant Renwick Cato.