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We live in an age of disruption and uncertainty

We live in an age of disruption and uncertainty

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ALTHOUGH THE future is never promised, life was much more predictable in the past, even as recently as 10 years ago.

It is said that we now live in an age where disruption and uncertainty are the only things that are certain. Students are being prepared for jobs that do not yet exist and for a life that involves changing those jobs many times during their working life; careers are being seen as things of the past.

Businesses too have been made to adapt in this new age, and when adaptation is not possible, many former economic pillars have been forced out of the market. Interactive Media Limited has not been untouched by the effects of the global disruption in the newspaper industry, and during the year past, we have had to make major changes to our operations and business model.

In global politics, we have Brexit and the presidency of Donald Trump which have thrown the world into upheaval. For generations, we had looked to the European Union and the United States for the maintenance of global stability and world peace -that too is being questioned in today’s world.

Here at home, violent crime was of tremendous concern in 2018. We saw what appeared to be an increase in armed robberies and sexual assaults. The crime seemed to rise and

fall in waves, and thankfully, the Christmas and Nine Mornings period was one of relative calm. May this continue into the New Year. Residents and visitors must feel safe in their homes and confi dent of being able to go about their business unmolested.

But amidst all the changes, bad news and uncertainty, we should still look to the future with optimism. For while disruption may spell bad news for some, if we are agile enough, it may open new opportunities for others.

Several new projects, including hotel development and the medicinal cannabis industry have been announced for St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) in the New Year. Hopefully, these projects will stimulate economic growth and job opportunities for our people.

Importantly, in 2019, we wish for a return to the good old-fashioned virtues of courtesy, kindness, thoughtfulness, empathy and respect of our fellow citizens, as these help to oil the machinery of day-to-day life and make the world a more pleasant place in which to live.

The Board of Directors, Management and Staff of Interactive Media Ltd, the publishers of Searchlight express our sincere gratitude to our advertisers, readers, vendors, contributors and newsmakers for your support over the past year. We pledge to continue to work hard to maintain your confidence as a source of news you can trust. A happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to everyone.