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Man trespasses on ex-girlfriend’s property with intent to annoy

Man trespasses on  ex-girlfriend’s property with intent to annoy

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A 39-year-old was brought before the court yesterday for trespassing on his ex-girlfriend’s property with the intent to annoy.

After four years in a relationship which ended last August, Bronson DeFreitas of Kingstown Park, said that he loves his ex-girlfriend, missed her and wanted her back.

It was this desire to mend his broken relationship that caused DeFreitas to be charged before the Serious Offences Court yesterday with trespassing in the yard of one Vicky Frank of McKie’s Hill, with the intent to annoy.

DeFreitas, according to the police, had been going to Frank’s home since they broke up, and was warned multiple times to desist, by her, as well as by the police. However, these warnings seemingly proved futile.

The latest incident took place last Tuesday at 6 pm, when Frank was home and she heard a knock on the door. When she saw that it was the defendant at the door, she ordered him to leave her yard, but he refused and said he wanted to talk to her. It was when she threatened to call the police, that he left the premises.

It was for this incident that the 39-year-old labourer was charged and pleaded guilty.

Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias reasoned with him about his methods of approaching his ex-girlfriend, and told him he needed to abide by her wishes. She also asked if they had any children together, and he responded that they didn’t.

The ex-girlfriend was not present in court at the time.

Browne-Matthias concluded, “I do not think somehow she would want you to go to jail… because this carries a maximum of two years,” and that she did not think that would be an appropriate starting point.

On the other hand, she stated that there would need to be something to deter him, and give him some time to work through his emotions; get a hobby, and keep himself preoccupied as opposed to thinking about how much he misses her.

She placed him on a three month bond in the sum of $600, and if this bond is breached the sum should be paid immediately. Finally, she asked him to try and comply with his former lover’s wishes.