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Dr. Ralph Gonsalves happy with 25 years of friendship

Dr. Ralph Gonsalves happy with 25 years of friendship

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Message from Prime Minister, Dr. The Honourable Ralph E.Gonsalves, on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between St.Vincent and the Grenadines and Taiwan.

In this month of August, 2006, we commemorate once more the very warm and mutually beneficial relations between two nations -St.Vincent and the Grenadines and the Republic of China (Taiwan). {{more}}

Twenty-five years ago, the then Government of St.Vincent and the Grenadines, led by Prime Minister, the Rt. Honourable Robert Milton Cato took the bold decision, following our admission into the United Nations, to establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan. That decision has paid substantial dividends in value and in scope; and my Government is, indeed, fully appreciative of the economic, technical and financial assistance received from Taiwan over those twenty-five years.

Our young people have benefited through scholarship grants for local and overseas study. Further, with Taiwan’s financial support more young people have been exposed to the world of work through the Youth Empowerment Service (YES) programme.

Taiwan’s assistance to the Government and people of St.Vincent and the Grenadines in our agricultural diversification thrust, in infrastructural development, e.g, the Learning Resource Centres, the Cross Country Road, and other on-going projects and programmes is documented and well known.

We continue to work with Taiwan in the international community in its tireless efforts to get the message across regarding the right of its 23 million citizens to be given global recognition through membership in the UN and its agencies. We stand alongside our tried and tested ally in furthering this just international cause.

I urge us all to inculcate that drive and determination so characteristic of the Chinese civilization.

Our young democracy continues to prosper, in part with help from our friends in Taiwan. May we continue on this path for many years to come.