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An interesting 40th anniversary of Independence

An interesting 40th anniversary of Independence

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Editor: The 40th anniversary of Independence was indeed interesting. Amongst the many announcements it was indeed a refreshing to hear that soon there would be the naming of one or more National Heroes.

There were many debates and discussions on who should be the next national heroes. Therefore, I would not add anything concerning this topic.

The giving of allowances for the nurses and nursing assistants, I am confident will be of much relief and appreciation by the nurses.

I would however like to ask that office attendants be given some consideration. I am made to understand that this job is not pensionable. Can you imagine someone working in this field for well over 20 years and at retirement get no pension. This, to me, needs to be looked at.

Welcome news is also the formation of a committee to look at the renaming of some villages, streets and building. I would trust that the village of Petit Bordel be looked at and that the name be changed to something more fitting and which does not give a negative meaning as it does now.

As we seek to progress as a nation we have to work together as one and don’t let party politics divide us. As the anthem states; “our faith will see us through”.

Kennard King