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The best presents are free

The best presents are free

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If you are into the Christmas gift giving tradition and still have not decided on this year’s gifts for your loved ones, we don’t need to tell you that you are running out of time.

Although in many cases, gifts are bought in the hope that they will fulfil a perceived or expressed want on the part of the receiver, the cliché that the best gifts are free bears repeating.

The most thoughtful and meaningful gifts are the gifts of time and attention. Every year, we urge readers to remember the lonely or less fortunate neighbour, friend or relative, for whom this time of year tends to be painful. Acts of service to these people, as well as to those, who to us, appear to have everything, are priceless. Running errands, doing groceries, providing transportation, house cleaning, cooking meals, baby sitting, braiding hair, repairing items, cleaning the yard, donating fruit, vegetables and spices from the garden may be of tremendous help.

But in many cases, the gift of one’s presence, attention and time is the most precious. A leisurely visit during which the smart phone is put away and people engage and good old time conversation can mean the world to many people.

And for 2020, what will be our gift to ourselves, our families, the nation and the world? Would lifestyle or attitudinal changes be beneficial? What about if we decide to look inward to see what we can do to contribute to the solution rather just being passive onlookers, lamenting the state of affairs? Perhaps we can reflect on this during some quiet time after we have settled down from the busyness of the Season.

A safe and happy Season to one and all from the Chairman and Board of Directors of Interactive Media Limited and the Management and Staff of Searchlight.