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Overcoming Covid-19 requires a team effort

Overcoming Covid-19 requires a team effort

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READY OR not, Covid-19 is here and our level of preparedness on the national, business, family and individual levels is left to be seen.

Less than 24 hours after the confirmation of an imported case of coronavirus here, it is clear that panic has set in among some people who seem not to have been paying attention to bulletins from the Ministry of Health over the past weeks. But instead of being distracted by who patient zero is and where she lives -information that could only put her in real danger and result in lifelong stigma — we ought to be concentrating on modification of our own behaviour. Disease related stigma directed at those who test positive will drive underground those who suspect they may be infected, putting everyone else at increased risk.

Just how badly we are affected by all this will depend on how long the outbreak lasts, if community spread occurs, and if a shut down of the country is deemed necessary.

Globally, coronavirus has already extracted a high cost in human life and has been recognized for what it is – a global health emergency. As the virus spreads around the globe, the focus should be on how to protect lives and contain economic harm.

The Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment, together with their partners on the National Emergency Council have been working for several weeks on mitigating the health effects of the virus. As they implement their plans to contain spread of the virus, it

is in all our best interests to work together to defeat our common foe. The denigration of our health officials and the wild and irresponsible casting of doubt on the veracity of their statements or their competence lead to a loss of confidence in what they say — to all our detriment.

On the economic side, the consequences of a loss in productivity are dire, should community spread take place. Already, in some countries there have been layoffs, particularly among small businesses. Should a shut down become necessary or even cancellation of the Easter festivities or Vincy Mas, many individuals and businesses would be hard hit. Who pays employees who are forced, for the public good, into 14-day periods of self quarantine or isolation? Would it be the National Insurance Services, employers, or would the workers go without pay?

Our Ministry of Economic Planning needs to come to the nation to let us know what concrete policy measures have been put in place to limit harm to our economy and the private sector. Several countries have announced stimulus packages, cuts in interest rates or moratoria on mortgages and other debt payments, and international financial organizations like the World Bank and the IMF have unveiled financial support packages to help countries overcome the health crisis and limit the economic damage.

Overcoming Covid-19 will take a team effort.