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Right or wrong?

Right or wrong?

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The jury may be still in session, determining whether or not the decision of vice–president of Team Athletics SVG, Michael “Lord Have Mercy” Ollivierre, to go public and criticise the said organisation which he is part of, was wise.
In a scathing article which was carried in another of this country’s weekly publications recently, Ollivierre did not couch his disappointment, as he chided the manner in which Team Athletics SVG is being administered.

Not to rehash what Ollivierre had expressed, but suffice to say, it is rare, granted the setup here in St Vincent and the Grenadines, for a sitting administrator to make such disparaging comments.

Some would readily say that Ollivierre is right in his approach to deal with internal matters of Team Athletics SVG, hence, gave him hero’s status for his decision to vent.

On the other hand, some would point to his action as unbecoming for a well-respected, successful track and field coach.

Meanwhile, a fraction of persons would contend and advise that Ollivierre should resign his post, granted there seems to be some strained relations within the ranks of Team Athletics SVG.

But, was it the true image of Ollivierre that was exhibited?

Most importantly, did he have to use that conduit (newspaper article) to vent his feelings? Were Ollivierrre’s actions the culmination of mounting issues?

What about the other active members of Team Athletics SVG; do they share the same concerns as Ollivierre? Would Ollivierre be willing to remain in his capacity or will ne resign?

Conversely, are those who he fingered, be willing to continue to work with him in any capacity?

Whatever the responses, the sport of track and field was given a black eye in some quarters, while others would be applauding Ollivierre from the gallery, for a job well done.

With the matters well ventilated now, how would the sporting public view the administration of Team Athletics SVG?
One thing for certain, there would not be a rebuttal from the accused persons to Ollivierre’s swipe.

Still an elected member of the executive, are the other members of Team Athletics SVG comfortable with Ollivierre, and be willing to act with professionalism in the execution of their responsibilities from here on in?

Hopefully, what has unfolded and what was disclosed in the page of the newspaper article, last Friday, was a one-off happening.

This is so not only for track and field, but for all sporting disciplines here, that other means of dealing with frustrations be pursued, rather than washing one’s dirty linen in public.

But as we await the outcome of the episode, it must be accepted though, that more importantly, the administrators should be consumed with preparing for the times ahead.

Attending to the side show and the pros and cons of Ollivierre’s actions will only divert from the fact that track and field can do well with a shot in the arm.

Yes, there are pockets of individual efforts from some of the more committed coaches and athletes, but despite the current situation where everything is at a standstill, track and field generally is going through a phase.

We need to find ways to rekindle the hunger and thirst there was a few years ago for the sport, acknowledging that there are other mitigating social interferences that are preventing that gravitation to the sport.

Maybe instead of the officials wanting to draw swords, it may be better for them to knock heads and see how they can make things better, inspire hope in the young athletes and retrieve the loss in appeal for track and field.