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Rowley gets a big thumbs up!

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Ah must add-myth dat ah have not been following de wide-spread of dis Pan-dem-ache, de Coronavirus/ COVID 19 as ah really should.

De records show that 193 countries have tasted de Dread; 12 countries have not officially been touched; and most all dis number 12 are Pacific Island countries in Oceana. Interestingly, whereas in China where de Dis-Ease started and spread like wild fire; its closest near-bar, North Korea has not recorded ah single case yet. Correction North Korea does not have ah recorded case. Is ah clause-ical difference between “has not recorded” and “does not have ah recorded Case.” Strangely enuff, North Korea’s biggest secret is de good ole “Trinny Near-bar Proverb” dat says: “when yuh near-bar house pon fire wet down yours!” From de time it was disclosed dat China had dis worth-less Dis-ease, North-Korea close down its borders. So did Trinidad and Tobago and Grenada and Sin Lucia. And what about we in Sin Vin-Sin? Well we didn’t have to, de Airlines and Cruise Ships stop coming. But we never closed like de others, we kept on jamming! Remember how we were opted out of de big “Village Dog Fight” wid Grenada. We might ah bin closed because we saw photos of plane landing at AIA, Minister and Prime Minister unloading packages.


Yuh know Lie-Za was telling me she heard de “Bad Man Bing” on his early morning “OMG” talk show program saying, dat “Trini-Dad ‘N’ Toe-big-oh” was ranked among de top countries, if not No 1 in de World, foh being compliant with de WHO’s COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines. Dat did not surprise me, as ah was keeping tab on developments in my Near-bar, T’n’T and its COVID-19 Rigid Guidelines. Now yuh must ask yo-self who “Run Tings” in T’n’T, and of course de answer is, Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley. Ah heard Rowley in one of his COVID-19 updates to de Nay-shun of T’n’T saying, how in 1979 when de La Soufriere erupted in SVG, he worked here as ah young Volcanologist. He talked about experiencing de evacuation exercise and so on. Instantly ah remember dis lone Black Youth-man among de Seismic team of white Geologists/Volcanologists: Drs. Tomlin, Richards and Seigertsen.

Dr. Keith Rowley went on to serve as Head of de Seismic Research Unit of UWI. He is no Pya-Pya man, he’s ah Cry-sis All Star General! Now 40 years ago Rowley was hey in SVG, in de “tick and tin” during SVG’s biggest cry-sis. Lie-Za is funny, she say SVG Is! Was! and Will always be ah Cry-sis country. Ah told her yes, from Soufriere Eruption, Cross Country Road, Banana In-dust-tree, Road Block, LIAT foh 40 years. She interrupted and tell me Go-venom-mints one after de other.

Ah doh want to sound like ah out to Calm-pain foh Rowley, but ah like de fellah, Lie-Za ah-door him. He is ah small I-land man from Toe-Big-Owe and got ah lot in common wid small I-land Prime Ministers: John Compton of Can-One; Herbert Blaize, Carriacou, Sir James, Bequia; Steve King, Can-One; Lie-Za say to ‘hut’ Ralph head, say nex’ Fry-dey, Bequia!

Seriously though, Rowley is no Johnny Come Lately, he has been back and forth in Awe-Position and Go-Venom-mint foh 29 years. He got ah good Pull-it-tek-all track record, balanced of course, can’t omit de Carnival Time when he did wine-up pon ah Young Gal in ah Band. All ah dat is Trinni Mas! And all in all he is good foh T’n’T and de region as ah whole.


Ah can’t end dis article widout giving dem Vendors outside Massey in Arnos Vale ah Thumbs Up! Lawyer “Jomo” Thomas who born Poor, grow up Poor, is today an aspiringly Pure Lawyer, knows what poverty and struggle is all about. He said it all foh de Vendors in his Plain Truth Column last week. Listening to Kenton Chance’s interview wid de Vendors, it is clear dat dey all have ah Vision. One youngster clearly said, he vending outside de Super market because he doh want to go back to Prisons. One lady Farmer from Greiggs, plants her vegetables, harvest dem and come to Arnos Vale to mek ah dollar in order to send her children school.

This is ah “Live and let Live” situation. Traffic along dat Street at de back of Massey’s way de Vendors ply dey trade, should be regulated or discontinued; small and attractive looking stalls should be built for rental to de Vegetable Vendors. De area must be managed.

Amazing how Vendors continue to function smoothly, unmolested outside de three major local supermarkets: Greaves, Bonadie and Veira. Wasn’t dem same three businesses dat de ULP Go-venom-mint was gunning for when dey first took office? Ah Boy, Jack Ass say dis world ain’t level at all. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.
One Love Bassy