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Vico to know fate soon

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November 17 will be a date that will be filled with mixed emotions for Vico Ollivierre. The Sion Hill resident is to be sentenced for causing the death of Fitzroy Morgan, 33, of Rockies by reckless driving. He appeared at the Criminal Assizes on Tuesday and pled guilty to the charge.

On January 20, 2006 at about 10 pm Morgan was walking on the sidewalk of Karib Cable’s main office when motor vehicle PE 130, driven by Ollivierre, was travelling from the Girls’ High School area when he lost control of the vehicle and hit Morgan throwing him into the air. {{more}}Morgan landed on a patch of sand and then rolled into the street where the vehicle was spinning out of control and landed on him.

Attorney for Ollivierre, Ronald Marks asked the court for the sentencing to be deferred until two weeks so that a social inquiry report could be prepared.

His bail was extended and the matter adjourned for sentencing and mitigation. Bayliss Frederick and Vynette Frederick also appeared on his behalf.