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Our land our National Treasure

Our land our National Treasure

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EDITOR: Besides our people, our greatest national resource is our land. The forest and mountains give us shape, character, attract rain and are the source of our water. The arable lands provide us with food. The sea too is a source of food. The sand and beaches provide recreation. Our innovative minds enable us to use all the natural resources in a sustainable manner for our benefit.

Should we declare our natural resources as national treasures? If we do we would enact National land Conservation measures with the aim of preserving our natural environment. A proper Land Use Policy would be enforced. Agricultural lands would be preserved, and watershed areas would be contoured to prevent erosion.

Construction projects would consider minimizing any negative environmental impact.

Hotel construction need not conflict with farming lands. We can have both with proper planning. All our beaches are important and all should be cared for and the shoreline protected with natural vegetation. We have more to gain from sustainable development than from exploitation merely for financial gain.

Anthony Stewart, PhD