Local company launches online tutoring platform
A local company is making it easier for students and teachers with the launch of an online tutoring platform.
Learning for Living officially opens registration to its online platform, www.mypasscode.net today where students at four levels will be able to receive instruction in a number of courses.

“Online learning…has actually been proven to be more effective than face to face learning because we sort of get individual tutoring; the student time and task is more targeted; they are able to focus on achieving the objective;
it’s more measurable as well because whereas you might not be able to see what every child write in their books, they submit their stuff and so for teachers, it’s actually easier to grade,” Kimsha Williams, the managing director of Learning for Living told SEARCHLIGHT in an exclusive interview this week.
Williams said it has been the vision of her company, since its launch in 2013, to expand tutoring services to its clients through various innovative ways.
With the launch of the mypasscode.net website, issues of timetabling and logistics will be a thing of the past.
“You can work at your own pace, you can work wherever you wish to be…a child can be waiting on a parent somewhere at their office, while going through stuff on devices so convenience in that you can be anywhere and you can be learning and you can be learning in your spare time,” Williams said.
She added that some students and teachers have to travel long distances to get home after classes. And the site will make this easier as the need to travel will be eliminated.
The managing director noted that there will be some weekly face-to-face meetings, but if one is unable to participate, meetings will be recorded and available via the online platform.
Williams revealed that work on the website began in 2017, with a launch timeline for September 2020.
The managing director said that the coronavirus pandemic caused face to face classes to stop abruptly in March this year, but added even more relevance to the new service that her company was developing.
“We didn’t force completion of the site at that time because we were already working with a timeline,” Williams said. “The delivery will be in the form of text, multimedia, so there’ll be audio, video, links to other useful resources, simulations and they will be able to pace themselves through the course as they go along…”
Additionally, parents have the ability to log in and track their children’s progress.
Mypasscode.net offers eight courses at the primary level, 26 courses at the secondary level, four courses related to personal development and 10 business courses.
Each course runs for 12 weeks or one term and can be complementary to what is being taught in school or stand-alone exercises for students.
Williams said the site will make it easy for students, no matter the school they attend to search for lessons that are in line with where they are in their respective syllabi.
All courses for term 1 of the upcoming academic year are expected to be delivered and managed via the website, mypasscode.net.
The registration fee for the platform is EC$25, with primary bundles costing EC$450 per term or three instalments of EC$150 .
Secondary courses cost EC$270 per term or three instalments of EC$90 and other courses range from being free to EC$600.
Persons seeking more information can call 1(784)455-9907 or email, learnin4livin@gmail.com.