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Age is honour

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Ah good way to start this Article is to show recognition to ah few of my friends who are celebrating significant milestones. Two weeks ago de Howards, Ranny (91) and Elna (92) celebrated seventy-three years of marital bliss.

These two young people who hail from de Questelles/Chauncey area, were teen-aged lovers, have been married foh nearly as long as Abraham and Sarah who are de couple wid de greatest Love Story in de Bible. Sarah and Abraham had ah great sense ah humor. He was only 100 years and Sarah was younger at 90; she was good looking and dey had to be active and able foh God to tell dem about giving birth to a son at dat age. So both ah dem laughed hysterically. But as sure as de Sun sets and rises, at 90 Sarah had her only son, Isaac. Ah hope when Ranny (mister think he bright) reads this he does not get any bright I-dare! De Howards are two lively and happy people to sit and chat wid.

And there is ah third member of dis family of long livers who will be celebrating her ninetieth birthday next week. Inola Tucker, wife of de late George Tucker and sister of Elna Howard (92). Apart from de look-alike, dey’s something beautiful about the personalities of these two sisters that is magnetic. My question is way all these Nonagenarian come from all of ah sudden? Got to be something good in de diet of de folks of Questelles back in dem days.

Creeping up slowly behind Ranny and Elna is Ken John and his dear wife Jenny now in dey early eighties. They celebrated fifty-nine years of Wedded Bells on Wednesday. Dey are both peacefully retired, “great parents” straight from big daughter Andrea’s lips. Jenny ah former Banker and Ken was and still is ah scholar: PhD, Lawyer, Historian, Cricket commentator, undoubtedly one ah SVG’s best Columnist. He has been writing in de Vincentian foh close to 40 years, nearly half his life. Doc Fraser and I visited dem last Sat-dey and we had an exciting trip down memory lane wid Ken at his best. De session was exactly how ole people would put it: “Nuff ting to talk but time wasn’t dey!”

To empathize is to understand to the point of having been dey and done dat already. So I am personally offering Empathy to, and Prayers for Prime Minister Gonsalves and his family, in particular his dear wife, Eloise and his son, Adam both of whom are encountering serious health challenges. If ah must share my own experiences wid my health challenges nine years ago, Ah remember thanking my Oncologist in Canada, telling him dat he was ranked highly but every day I was visiting another specialist whose name was Jesus. He told me a number of his patients have told him about dis Man Jesus, and from all indications He is by far de Best! God’s blessing to you Mrs Gonsalves and Adam.


This brings me to de end of my “Best Wishes Section” and am so happy ah doh have any space left to comment, except dat Lie-Za sent me ah recording of a speaker whose voice ah doh wreck-o-noise. The voice spoke bout lining up his men foh an event on Sat-dey night; instructing dem not to follow the (COVID 19) instructions way dey were hoping to have 20 persons or so from each community. De new instructions are foh Fitz Hughes to bring out a larger number than that.

Instructions were given to ley some group name “de Unruly Boys” them come! “Organize with Kenny Truck,” de voice said, “alyo hop on de truck and alyo come. We not limiting de numbers bla bla” Dat sound like ah mad man deliberately planning to break COVID 19 rules, or preparing foh any repercussion after dey break de Rules.

Ah decide to reverse her question ah asked her to use her inside source and find out if is true dat de entire board of directors on “Invest SVG” asking one another who ordered “Invest SVG” bags unknown to de Board, who cleared dem at Customs unknown to “Invest SVG” and who gave de “Invest SVG Bags” to de ULP candidate to share out to his supporters.

She tell me dat sounds like ah Doc-yuh-men-tarry she saw named “ Unruly Gang-Star. We ain’t see or hear nothing yet, de worse is yet to come. And wid dat, is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.