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Let us lift SVG higher with Christ as the head

Let us lift SVG higher with Christ as the head

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EDITOR: LIFT SVG HIGHER is a slogan being used by a party in these upcoming elections. In Proverbs 14:34 it is stated that, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” The true lifting up of this nation lies in the words of the verse just mentioned. If we as a people ought to honestly lift up SVG, then the call to righteousness must be heeded.

It therefore means as a people, we have to live right. This would involve loving each other regardless. It means the practice of immorality be replaced with honesty and integrity. It would be living a holy life where Christ becomes the exalted one in our lives. Thus, seeking to honour Him in our lives and seek to put him first in our lives individually and collectively. This would mean having a relationship with Christ, not having a religion. It would also mean turning away from all that is unholy and follow all that is true, honest and holy.

Matthew 6: 33 tells us, “seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you”. Putting Christ first in our lives and living right will bring us success. This indeed is part and parcel of lifting SVG higher.

Nevertheless with all the good intentions of politicians and their desire to make this country better one way or the other, the true exaltation comes from the Lord. The real success and prosperity comes from Him.

Important to note is the fact that sin is a reproach to any people. Sin is anything that is wrong in the eyes of God. I know today that many things that are sinful are seen as okay since it is a matter of human rights and choice. Thus, it is fair to say that we as a people have lost the true value of righteousness and have gone on a tangent of compromise.

Let us be reminded that success comes neither from the east nor the west, but from the Lord… Psalm 75: 6, 7. So in all our excitements, promises and promotion, let us bear in mind that the final say comes from the Lord. He is indeed the one who can truly lift SVG higher.

May God help us to put Christ back into our lives and homes and by extension the community and country and we would surely see an exaltation, prosperity and success of this nation. Let us LIFT SVG HIGHER with Christ as the head.

Kennard King