Same sex marriages should not be accepted
EDITOR: The proposed referendum on same sex marriage to be held in Barbados is indeed a very interesting development and I am certain would trigger discussion. Gone are the days when the Bible was the authority and we would seek to respect what it says, even if we were not a Christian. Now it is all about our rights and freedoms and also a matter of choice.
Homosexuality, we know, according to Romans 2, is an abomination and is described as those who have a reprobate mind.
While there are those who still hold Christian values and would see this lifestyle as sinning against God and nature, there are those who accept and practice it as something normal and natural
Should the referendum be put to the people as mentioned and it is passed, then that country would be treading on dangerous grounds. While having the same sex marriage legal would be considered acceptable worldwide and can bring economic benefits, it is sending the country on a downward path spiritually. I pray that we will not reach this point in this country during my life time. For this can brings severe consequences on us as a people.
While, we can argue that morality is at a low and thus we are bordering on God’s judgment, we can rest assure that making it legal would invoke the wrath of God. Sin is sin, and some may say and that homosexuality is not the only sin. This is indeed true. However, we are told that God hates abomination and this would not only bring God’s judgment upon any nation, but the wrath of God.
Proverbs 14: 34 states that, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Therefore, any nation that goes down that road will be reproach by Almighty God even if we don’t believe in Him and don’t give much attention to him. This abomination will bring any country down, also the many sinful acts that we do.
I, therefore urge us to be in prayer that this evil will not succeed and that the Lord will take its rightful place as the head of any nation. When that is done the Lord will bring prosperity and good success to such a people. God bless us all.
Kennard King