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Remember those office attendants

Remember those office attendants

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EDITOR: Civil servants play a very important role in any country. They can make or break governments. With this in mind, it is important that they do their work faithfully and also that they be rewarded accordingly.

Amongst the many civil servants, are the OFFICE ATTENDANTS. They, without doubt, are rendering a very important role in ensuring communication to and from several ministries and departments. You have to put yourself in their shoes to realize the risk they encounter in doing their work. Sun and rain they have to endure in carrying out their duties and so expose themselves to health challenges.

They ought to be commended for their dedicated and hard work. Unfortunately, they are the lowest grade in the salary scale. They are at Grade M and are not pensionable. They deserve better. Imagine working for 20 years and beyond, enduring the risk of health problems of different kinds and at the end of the day, no pension to take care of them in their old age, after having giving so many years in service to this country.

As the year draws closer to the end, and the presentation of the Budgetary Estimates draws near, it is important that some serious attention be given to these workers. After all, they have to survive and I am certain we would so desire that they be in a position to live comfortably.

So, while preparation is made for the estimates, please take into consideration these faithful and hardworking employees and ensure that whatever is necessary be done so as to ensure that they be made pensionable. It is unfair that some of the civil servants are pensionable, while few are not, because they are at the lower end of the scale. Let’s have a heart.

Kennard King