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Will be Hell wid RocHelle and AsHelle

Will be Hell wid RocHelle and AsHelle
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Lie-Za say will be Hell wid RocHelle and AsHelle in Par-liar-mint dis time around, as de two ladies set ah first time record in de House way both

Speaker and Deputy Speaker are Females. Also, it is an ‘All-time record’ for Senator RocHelle Forde who is de First Female Speaker in de History of SVG’s House of Assembly.

And who is AsHelle and RocHelle, Lie-Za asked me. Ah know both dey parents, however ah particularly remember AsHelle. Some years ago when ah asked her mom, Cutey, about her two daughters, in particular de shy one, AsHelle, ah was surprised when she said dat Ashelle was home ‘Writing Talent.” She had her eyes on ah Scholarship, and one of her plans was to enter de Miss SVG Competition, because de Winner gets ah full University Scholarship. De next time ah saw AsHelle Morgan’s name was in de Newspaper when she was Called to de Bar. Doh tek yuh eyes off dem young people eh!

Ah know ah lickle more bout Sen RocHelle Forde. She was Labour long before she was born; and even long before any Labour member in Par-liar-mint today. Her Labour roots are deep and wide. On her maternal side is Gwenneth and Kenny Forde (mom and dad); Grand-dad Chippy Browne; Uncle Ken Browne a former member ah Par-liar-mint in de Cato Labour Go-venom-mint. Professionally, she is a qualified and experienced Lawyer, and no stranger to de House. Lie-Za say she hear RocHelle tough, and she want to see her toughness when NDP move another Motion of No Con-fee-dense in de Go-venom-mint.


Dey was nuff History at last Monday afternoon’s first session of de New Par-liar-mint, eight of the twenty-two persons who were sworn in are new, fresh blood. De composition of de House stands at 18 males, 15 of them elected, three nominated, de Attorney General and two Senators; and there are four female Senators. Among de female Senators is Shevern John de NDP Candidate who gave Hon Gomry Daniel de race of his Pull-it-to-kill life at de Polls. Senator John spoke proudly of her Garifuna Heritage wid conviction and sincerity, she was consistent with her call for unity among members of both sides, as well as unity between herself and her Garifuna brother Gomry Daniel, de Parliamentary Rep for the area. She has lots to offer.

Monday was like Garifuna Day as Hon Gomry Daniel became de First Garifuna to be sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister. Looks like Daniel was de automatic choice, since neither of de two heirs apparent, Calm-low and So-both-tow performed unconvincingly at de Polls, yes dey won dey seats but not strong enough to command de clear passage to de Deputy Prime Minister position among de members. Unfortunately Gomry in his congratulatory greetings, could have been more gracious by extending de hands of friendship to his Garifuna Sister Senator Shevern.

Meking ah very colourful debut in de House was de newly elected Rep for Central Leeward, Doctor de honourable Orando Brewster. He comes wid many titles- Medical Doctor, Pastor now Politician. De few Medical Doctors who served in Par-liar-mint before Dr Brewster, have contributed NIL to de improvement of de condition of Milton Cato Memorial Hospital. And dis Pastor or Preacher thing? We have had ah full share ah Parliamentarians who professed Christianity or who piggy-back pon dey Christianity until dey got into Office. Former Headmaster of de BGS had ah way he uses to describe his mediocre students: “Dey came, dey stayed and dey left unceremoniously.”

Basically we have had ah go-venom-mint in office “Five-in-ah-Row” 20 years and still begging foh another chance to continue to do much of de same thing. Lie-Za will settle foh one quality in her Rep and dat is DECENT. As for me ah will settle foh de thing dat covers all… LOVE. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.
One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.