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Dispelling the myths about the Covid-19 Vaccines

Dispelling the myths about the Covid-19 Vaccines

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Editor: The taking of the Corona Vaccine is not mandatory. There is much discussion for and against it. We are free as a people to accept or refuse it. While we appreciate the concerns and reservation of many, it is important to have factual evidence to support our views in opposing the vaccine.

Let it be known that I am no expert and so I cannot speak authoritatively on it medically. However, there are two main theories advanced by those who oppose the taking of the vaccines and they are: It is designed to kill out black people ,and it is the mark of the beast. None of these two have any factual ground and are therefore false information.

According to information from Center for Disease Control (CDC) amongst the 54% of persons up to March 1st 2021 who took the Vaccines 65% were white, 9% were Hispanic, 7% were black, 5% were Asians, 2% were American Indians or Alaska Native, 1% were Native Hawaiian or other Pacific islander, while 13% were multiple or other race. So from the data the whites far exceed the black in taking the vaccines. So there is really no factual evidence to suggest it is designed to kill blacks when more whites have taken it.

What about the mark of the beast, Is it associated with it? In Revelation 13:16-18 it is closely tied to the worship of the beast (Rev; 13:12, 15; cf. 19:20; 20:4). It is mark of loyalty and devotion to the beast. Of course there are many more scriptures that can be given concerning the mark of the beast. Suffice it to say that the beast must first be in place.

Revelation 13: 1- 18, 14; 9, 17; 8 12; 9 and more scriptures talk about the beast. The beast would of course take its place when the church would be in heaven. So while, the church which comprise of Christians from all over the world and denominations is present on earth there can never be the beast and likewise no mark of the beast.

Due to space I will not give any more details, but to say to us that these two aforementioned theories are without facts and are baseless. Thus, to oppose the vaccines based on these theories is indeed folly and a lack of information. It is giving heed to false information and shows a lack of biblical knowledge and intelligent research.

It is my firm belief that these two arguments have been the deterrent to many taking the vaccines. We can of course have our own personal views on it and so refuse to take it, but let it be based on sound reasoning and not on false information.

Kennard King