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NIS committed to excellence

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Every Vincentian will enjoy at least a minimum decent standard of living because St Vincent and the Grenadines will get Social Security right!

This was the firm conviction expressed by National Insurance Services (NIS) Chairman, Lennox Bowman when he addressed the NIS 20th anniversary celebrations panel discussion last Tuesday, January 9, at the Methodist Church hall.{{more}}

Bowman said that while the NIS was happy to be celebrating the organisation’s 20th anniversary, they were also committed to continued excellence and the enhancing of the quality of what they did.

He also highlighted the areas of investment management, coverage expansion, and International and Regional relationships with sister institutions as part of the seven areas of priority for strategic focus in 2007.

Bowman also announced that a steering committee has been re-established by Cabinet to look at the issue of National Health Insurance (NHI). There will also be a legislative review done by the NIS to ascertain the effectiveness of the current laws that govern the service.

He also stressed the importance of a more proactive Social Security system because of the various challenges that the economy would face as it becomes more globalized.

As he stressed his passion for Social Security, Bowman applauded the advancement Social Security has made regionally.

“Social security and national Insurance programmes have earned the respect and confidence of the public and are considered in most countries, to be crème de crop of the public sector institutions. St Vincent and the Grenadines is no exception,” he proudly stated.