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Building on the foundation

Building on the foundation

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by JohN Zan George 19.JAN.07

The National Literacy Crusade has been an astounding success, a programme where all Vincentians outside of the formal system above the age of fifteen (15) having problems with their literacy and numeracy competencies were given a chance to amend their competency weaknesses. Now that the basic ground-work of the foundation has been set it is now the time to raise the bar while still working on the basic and fundamental literacy problems in our adult population.{{more}}

The philosophy that drives this mission is “from literacy to Ph D.” It therefore encompasses the values and traits of life long learning, competency based evaluations, learning for life and living, and innovative and creative educational exploits and programmes that can result in economic, social and scientific progress to our small country.

Given the necessary support and flexibility a well structured programme can be put in place. Already the technical Staff at the Adult Education Department has been working on a broad frame work, a framework that will take on more definitions as consultations continue with stakeholders and more decisions are taken. However, it is expected that some broad structural and programmatic features should entail:

a) Oversight agent for all G.C.E, C.X.C, O and A Level Private Providers. An attempt will be made to have all these persons be part of a configuration which can improve the services provided among other things.

b) Partnership with other Governmental Agencies and NGO’s. Already linkages have been made in this regard more partners will be brought on board.

c) A more user friendly financial and accounting arrangement that will aid in efficient and effective creation and implementation of programmes.

d) A community partnership that will encourage community specific programmes and activities to coincide with the philosophy of the Department.

e) Encourage the development of relevant projects, that can help individuals and groups (through educational initiatives) to maximize output and economic returns. Several European Union (EU) projects now at the implementation stage are a direct example of this initiative.

f) Provide guidance, counseling, training and other technical support to all involved in adult and continuing education.

g) Partnership with a network of community-based coordinators and their staff, community organised committees, social and sports clubs and other like minded organisations and individuals.

h) Provide educational opportunities to special groups and individuals in special circumstances throughout the country, e.g. radio and TV programmes and lessons.

i) Create linkages with private sector entities to enhance human resource capabilities and opportunities to workers and other individuals.

j) Conduct investigative programmes that will inform decision making, appraise and give situational analysis of the several educational environments of various target groups.

k) Continue public outreach programmes through print and electronic media, and community face to face initiatives.