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Work underway to widen road leading to decommissioned airport

Work underway to  widen road leading to decommissioned airport
DEMOLITION WORK on parts of the concrete railing of the bridge (photo by Robertson S. Henry)

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Work-crews are working late into the night to complete the widening of the roadway leading to the decommissioned E.T. Joshua airport where temporary buildings have been constructed to accommodate students of the Girls’ High School and the St. Vincent Grammar School.

When SEARCHLIGHT visited the area at the weekend, work was progressing smoothly, with part of the additional roadway being completed and the unfinished sections to facilitate the widening of the roadway targeted for completion today, Tuesday October 5,2021.

Work to demolish part of the concrete railings on both ends of the bridge to facilitate the widening of the roadway, was also ongoing.

The plans also include a foot bridge to be constructed for pedestrian traffic which could see the possible demolition of at least one more shop that is perched on the edge of the river bank.

Two bus shelters are also being constructed on the decommissioned tarmac to accommodate students waiting for buses, and all road works are scheduled to be completed in time for the phased blended reopening of schools, the COVID-19 situation permitting, in about two weeks time.