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Commissiong proud of his profession

Commissiong proud of his profession

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He is a distinguished Queen’s Counsel so it may be strange to know that Bertram Commissiong’s greatest sense of satisfaction did not come from a high profile case that he won, no – it was winning a case in Guyana that got an old man the title deed for a piece of land.

“He watched me and said “Mr. Lawyer, I could die in peace now that I have something to leave for my daughter” and that is still my greatest sense of accomplishment,” said Commissiong, a Queen’s Counsel since 1993.{{more}}

A man with 40 years experience in the field, Commissiong said that he has never felt bad about losing a case, understanding that you can’t win them all.

“If I did my best, I am at peace, I know I can’t win everything,” said Commissiong who has practiced in Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana in his long, distinguished career.

Speaking to SEARCHLIGHT as part of the celebration of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court 40th anniversary, Commissiong said that as he looks around the law fraternity he is concerned that many of the lawyers don’t really understand the importance of their profession.

“Lawyers take this profession too lightly, this is a noble and great profession,” said the son of a police prosecutor.

“My father was a very good prosecutor and he was a great motivator for me,” he told SEARCHLIGHT.

Commissiong said that he never takes a case for granted, even now that he has been so long in the game, as he noted the importance of a second and even third opinion when making decisions in cases. Commissiong said that he seldom makes decisions without running his thoughts by his daughter Mira, who practices with him.

“I make that separation, she isn’t just my daughter, she is Counsel,” he said with a smile.