The Order of things
EDITOR: In contrast to the current Rat Race, where Survival of The Fittest rules, our childhood world was well ordered and fostered a co-operative spirit.
A child crossing path with an adult was obligated to initiate the greeting by saying “good morning,” or “good afternoon” as the case may be. Where there is limited seating on a bus, the younger and stronger were expected to give way to the elderly. The same obtains for standing in line. When food is served at a feast, the elderly and children were served first.
If this principle was followed, the paralytic (John 5:1-4) would not have had to wait 38 years for healing. Whether it is the doctor’s office or the bank, deference should be given to the elderly and handicapped.
A group of children below a mango tree determined the ownership of the limited number of mangoes on the tree. The rule was “the mango belongs to whoever sees it first.”
To play “wind ball” cricket, the best two players assumed leadership roles of opposing teams and took turns in selecting the other players from all the children present allowing everyone to participate. Other times, “Get Ball Bowl, Out a Man Bat,” was used as a variation. This fittingly describes the current competitive nature of some individuals. While the childhood game was fair, some will cheat and steal in order to get ahead. In the process they lose their integrity and may have problems living with themselves.
The Captain knew his players well and capitalized on their strengths to give the team their best chance of winning. In too many situations in the private and public sectors, leaders fail to utilize the talents around them and our nation loses as a consequence.
There used to be open areas in every village where children played. Now it appears that adults have taken away all the lands and children resort to playing in the streets.
Might is not always right. Our actions can impact the order of things. Let us strive to make our influence a positive one.
Anthony Stewart, PhD