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The Environment can contribute to crimes

The Environment can contribute to crimes

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Editor: The environment can contribute to crimes and likewise contribute to better society and individuals. It is often said that it takes a community to raise a child. We recognize that times have changed and so societies and raising a child have also changed.

There were times when an elder person could have disciplined a child, but not any more. Today, it is hard to speak to someone else’s child. The environment however from which they are can play a part in terms of crimes and its reduction.

When we look at some rural communities where there is more togetherness, there is very little crime. In some communities the environment is such that persons sometimes sleep with their houses unlocked and also their vehicles. However, in many communities it is not so. In the aforementioned communities the environment is such that people lime on the block playing and even drinking but the conversations and conduct are good and not one that is controlled by bad man talks.

In many rural communities and other communities where the environment is good, it harbours a sense of good conduct. Many times persons follow the leading of others in the communities. So when violence is seen as the way out then often times that is the standard set. On the other hand when in an environment that is good, often times there is a feeling that they are not fitting in or accepted if they commit crimes. They are not something that makes them feel part of.
In the healthy environment there are comrades, good role models, good friendships and looking out for others. On the other hand when the environment is bad it harbours criminals. For many times young ones grow up seeing and hearing this bad man talk and observing the anger and violence of others. These can create crimes for it is looked upon as the way to go, where persons must defend themselves, persons must show themselves as a man by being a bad man.

The environment when it is bad there is a lack of love and respect. This is coupled with living selfishly where people live for themselves and money and the gun is seen as power. But in the healthy environment people share and show love, coupled with a fear for God.

In closing I am proud to be a part of the Rose Bank community where the environment is not one that encourages crimes, but rather research would show you that there is hardly anyone who serves time in jail except mainly for drugs from this village. Of course there have been the exceptions, but by and large it is a safe community where you are practically safe and can sleep in comfort knowing that your home will not be burglarized and someone will kill you or harm you.

Let us all work together in creating a good environment where crimes would be minimal as a result of our togetherness and love. Let us be sociable and be our brothers’ keeper. May God help us as a people to work together in the reduction of crimes.

Kennard King