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Has the church lost its influence or is it shining?

Has the church lost its influence or is it shining?

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EDITOR: The church is the body of believers from every kindred, tribe and nation.The church is made up of those who, according to Matthew 7: 21 “ Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my father who is in Heaven”. Therefore, there is a difference between those who are religious and those who do the will of the father. So let us not be confused between religion and true Christianity, where Christ is the head. Let us not be confused between those who claim to be Christians and even active in a religious organization and are not.

Having established the fact that the church is made of true believers who do the will of the father, the question needs to be asked, has the church failed or is it shining? In answering this question, the role of the church must be established. Amongst the many roles of the church are to LOVE as the Lord mentions in several scriptures including 1 John 2: 9 – 16. The preaching the word in season and out of season which the church has been doing is another role of the church. Many other things it has continued to do. So in effect the church has been performing its role. But is it really shining or has it lost its influence?

While the church has been performing its role, yet many are dying in sin. We have to agree that the way out of these many heinous crimes is a new birth, where Christ resides in the heart. However, this is not evident and so there is definitely a lack of influence by the church.

What accounts for that lack of influence? In Acts 2: 47 we are told that the early church had favour with all the people. As we look around today, can we honestly say that the church is living right before God and that they have a good testimony? It was the good living that caused many to turn to God. Even 1 Chronicles 7: 14 which applies to

Christians encourages them to turn from their wicked ways then God will heal the Land. So the Church has to be leading and not the politicians. The progress of any nation lies with the church. We are told that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34). So when the church shines by living righteously then the nation will be exalted.

It therefore means that while the church is very active, it is in the Laodecians stage where God ask them to repent (Revelations 3: 14 – 21). As a result it is failing to effectively lead many to Christ.Yes the church we can conclude is in its last stage and so it is not shining, and it has lost its influence.

It is my prayer that we would get back to where Christ wants us to be where we would be an example of Christ and be able to be instruments where many will turn to God.

Let us put aside religion and live righteously before God. There is an increase in religion but not necessarily an increase in the membership of the church. For we know that there are many professors and not possessors.

May God bless this nation.The reduction in crimes and increase in success lies in the hands of the Christians, not the politicians.

Kennard King