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Kaution gives scholarship

Kaution gives scholarship

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The Kaution Sound System and promotional outfit has for the second time in two years shown that they are not just about music and fun but also about education.
A second-year anniversary celebration gesture by the group has left mother of four Annette Ambris of Southwood, Fairhall with one less worry after they provided Ambris’ daughter Micah with shoes, uniform, book-bag and books for school.{{more}}
Said Junior “Rif Raf” Jacobs of Kaution Sound: “Seeing that the community always supports Kaution in everything they do, we want to show our appreciation to the community by helping this child. We think that this is the best thing, helping a child.”
Micah will take up studies in Grade 2 at the Belmont Primary School when the new school term begins on Monday.
Micah’s mother, who is unemployed, says that she is very “thankful” to Kaution Sound System.
Jacobs told SEARCHLIGHT that the school supplies were given “out of the goodness of our hearts”, as the Ambris’ were strangers to Kaution.
“I think that it is the best thing for a mother to see her children set for school,” added Jacobs who said that staying in the entertainment business for two years had its ups and downs. Last year the group gave a scholarship to Onifa Browne who is currently a student at the Richmond Hill Government School.
In celebration of their second anniversary, Kaution Sound System will put on a show next Saturday, September 11, called “911 Emergency-Ground Zero”.
The other members of Kaution Sound are Ricardo Dover, Junior “Junie” Jack, Carl “Carsee” Phillips, Kendal “Spranks” Grant and Lyndon “Blah Blah” Browne. According to Jacobs, Ynold Samuel and Hazell-Ann Jacobs also help make the group what it is.