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Rescue Me

Rescue Me

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As a young girl, you may have had big dreams of becoming an airline hostess, a doctor, or a lawyer; you maybe wanted to run your own business and employ lots of people or open your own daycare center. Whatever it was, did you get to pursue it? Or did you have to give up your dream somewhere along life’s busy journey?

Did you become pregnant? Did the love of your life leave you for another? Did a teacher discourage you? Did a parent not believe in you?{{more}} Did you have to leave school and begin working to support the family? Did you fail so many times that you stopped believing in yourself? Did a supervisor treat you unjustly? Did you lose your life savings? Did an influential friend or family member die?

The list of possible obstacles seems endless, but what exactly was it that caused you to stop dreaming? What was it that convinced you to live defeated day to day instead of living life to the fullest? Perhaps it’s not the reason that is important; what might matter more is just the fact that you did stop; that you gave up.

When you stop dreaming, you begin the process of dying . . . you give up hope, and you wait for life to happen to you instead of making life happen . . . you expect hardships instead of fighting tooth and nail for the better things in life . . . you feel unworthy, frustrated, depressed, and you curl up into an emotional ball and wait for a rescuer, someone who will try to save you . . .

So, what happens when no one comes?

You’d better stop waiting and wake up! You are your own rescuer. That’s right, everyone else is too busy trying to stay afloat in their own life situations, so you need to rescue you. Throw out your own lifeboat and jump on because life has many more storms coming your way and you’d better be prepared.

It’s never too late. So what if you’re thirty-five with four kids and you no longer have the shape, time, or opportunity to be an airline hostess, doctor, or lawyer? Don’t give up the dream, modify it or dream a new dream! Just dream something, hope for something, believe in something, live for something.

Let go and let God. Deal with the issue that kept you back and let it go. Rekindle the fire of your injured soul. Forgive so you can move on. Let God heal the wounds of your broken spirit, then get your body and your mind back in the game. Life may not be perfect immediately, but you need to start designing the life you want. If it takes days, weeks, months, remember that you have support from above . . .

Get involved. The Caribbean is quickly losing its sense of community because we are each caught up in ourselves and what we want. Break out of the mould; challenge the expected. Invest in a young woman by asking her how she is doing, showing interest in her schoolwork, encouraging her, talking with her. Your neighbors may think you are crazy to help someone else achieve their dream, but in so doing you will be sowing seeds to help yourself. Don’t believe the false saying that young people don’t listen-they do listen if you speak with them instead of constantly criticizing them.

Get wisdom and understanding. When people are poor in spirit and low on cash, most people believe that giving money will solve the issue. Unfortunately, money without knowledge is a recipe for disaster. Instead, people need wisdom and understanding; they need to learn how to learn-how to read books and magazines, even go to the library, take a class, talk to people. They need ways to fill themselves with helpful information that will assist them to see life from a different perspective. By providing that kind of help, you can live again, dream again.

We all do acts at some point that sabotage our lives. They usually come from one painful experience. But, wake up and look up! It’s time to grow up.

As we close out this series of articles, it is important that we applaud the women in our lives. We applaud you for the sacrifices you’ve made, but we also pray you haven’t sacrificed yourself and your dreams. We hope that you stay energized throughout your life and that you have what it takes to overcome each obstacle.

Karen Hinds
Workplace Success Group
Toll Free; 877-902-2275
Tel: 1-203-757-4103