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Telephone and Your Business

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Most businesses have a telephone, either fixed line or mobile. The telephone is one of the most common Information and Communication Technology (ICT) devices used in businesses. It is used for communicating verbally with present and prospective customers, shareholders and bankers, suppliers, local authorities and regulatory bodies, employees and the media.{{more}} Businesses that understand how to use their telephones effectively can realise several benefits. For these businesses the telephone becomes another tool that can be utilised to achieve their goals and objectives. If you are increasing your overheads with high telephone bills then you should ensure that the telephone works for your business. Perhaps you have never thought about getting the most out of your business telephone then here are some things you can consider.

Your business telephone

a. Is often the first point of contact with your business, if your phone is not answered promptly and in the right manner this can create a poor image of your business and ‘turn off’ customers;

b. Can be used as part of your marketing strategy to attract new customers and keep existing ones. You can use it to make follow-up service calls to your customers and find out if they are satisfied with your goods or services;

c. Can be used to build and maintain relationships with customers.

You or your employees can anticipate their unspoken needs, offer additional information and services that the customer might appreciate, invite the customer to visit your store or you can use it to show your appreciation for customers calls;

d. Is a tool for influencing customer confidence in your business;

e. Can help to increase sales;

f. Can help to improve the company’s image;

g. Offers a level of flexibility and a personal element that cannot be matched by electronic communication such as email;

h. Helps to guarantee that the right person receives the message. Hence clarification can be sought and provided eliminating any confusion in the communication process.

Use your telephone to create a positive image of your business. Training in Telephone Etiquette is an essential part of ensuring that the telephone is used in the right way in your business and can help you to improve your business’s image. If your customers have complained to you or anyone else about any of the factors below frustrating their efforts to do business with you, then it’s time that you seek training in Telephone Etiquette for your staff.

  • Telephone ringing for a long time and no one answering;
  • Being placed on hold for lengthy periods or without an explanation;
  • Your telephone line is busy for long periods;
  • The person answering does not pay attention;
  • An Answering machine is used instead of someone answering;
  • Voice mail is used indiscreetly, greetings are too long and messages left are never returned promptly;
  • Calls are poorly screened;
  • Persons are hung up on or disconnected;
  • Person answering is eating or chewing gum, etc;
  • Call waiting;
  • Being allowed to talk on and on to an individual who cannot provide help;
  • Being transferred to the wrong department.

Submitted by the Centre for Enterprise Development Inc. (CED) a non-profit company that provides business development services to the local private sector. We are located on the 1st Floor, Methodist Building, Granby Street. Kingstown. Telephone 784-451-2235/6. Email or