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Fisherman to fork out $1450 for stolen jewelry

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Henry Stone, a fisherman of Bequia, was given 6 months to pay a sum of $1450 or spend 6 months in prison, after pleading guilty to stealing a quantity of jewelry from Vennette Ollivierre, a vendor of Bequia.{{more}}

Ollivierre, who is from mainland St. Vincent, left the jewelry at her business place on January 8. When she returned to check on the jewelry, she found out that they were missing.

Investigations by the police led to Stone, who admitted to the police that he had stolen the items.

In his plea, the defendant requested that the Court allow him some time to repay the complainant for the items rather than spending the time in jail.

In handing down the sentence, Magistrate Browne told Stone that because he had already spent six months in prison on remand, he was going to award compensation to Ollivierre of $1450.

If he does not pay the money within the six months, he will be sent back to prison to serve other six months.(SB)