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Alarms go off over the increase in guns and ammunition

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The increase of ammunition in this country has made some legal officers call for an alarm to be sounded.{{more}}

Senior Magistrate Donald Browne said that it is quite alarming that so much ammunition and guns are in this country. “I never heard about so many guns and ammunition here before,” Browne said.

At the time Browne was presiding over a matter at the Kingstown Magistrates’ Court involving Kerry and Kemron Charles, 21 and 17 years old, respectively, of Chauncey.

Both men pleaded not guilty to having three rounds of .22 ammunition on October 18 at Chauncey.

Kerry was slapped with a separate charge of possessing 17 rounds of nine-millimeter ammunition and pleaded not guilty.

Bail was set at $10,000 for both men and they are to report to the Questelles Police Station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 6am-6pm. They were also ordered to surrender their travel documents.

Both matters were adjourned to December 11.

Just last week, retired US court clerk Ian Caesar, 55, of Cane Garden, was charged with importing a box with over 1,485 rounds of ammunition to these shores without being the holder of a firearm import permit. The box comprised of one box containing 500 rounds of Thunderbolt. 22 cartridges, 500 rounds of .38 ammunition, 125 rounds of Remington twelve gauge shotgun cartridges and 10 twelve gauge rifle rug and 350 rounds of Remington 9mm pistol ammunition.(KW)