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We all need a shoulder to lean on now

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EDITOR: In times of difficulty, we all need a shoulder to lean on. In such times, those of us who are fortunate enough not to suffer hardship and difficulty are expected to, and must, lend a helping hand wherever possible. I refer to the recent passing of the dreaded Hurricane Ivan that swept across the Caribbean and severely damaged some of our islands, among them Grenada. {{more}}

I commend the organizers and coordinators of the radiothon programme through which Vincentians were given the opportunity to pledge financially or otherwise to help rebuild Grenada. That programme was a success and over $100,000 was raised. Also, police officers and other personnel were sent to assist Grenada – another way in which we Vincentians showed our solidarity and support.

While I appreciate the efforts being made to help our sister island Grenada, there is one area that truly bothers me: the concert given on September 24, which was said to be not as successful as anticipated. What troubles me is the nature of the concert – soca on the one hand and so-called gospel on the other. Now just what were the coordinators and organizers or even the participants of this event hoping to achieve? Is it just all about the money and no real concern for our people? Most importantly how can we put God and Satan on the same platform? Can light and darkness mix a blend together? The answer is NO! NO! NO!

What was the result of the show? It failed. My dear fellow Vincentians, YAHWEH God is not the author of confusion; you cannot serve God and Mammon. God requires wholehearted service from all humanity. Man was made to glorify God.

My dear people, don’t let anyone fool you into thinking that nothing is wrong with this kind of concert; your salvation is at risk. Can you truly call on the name of Jesus in such a place?

Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. Now ask yourself this question: Which side am I really on?
