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Roberts gets life for murdering a 77-year-old woman

Roberts gets life for murdering a 77-year-old woman

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The wait is finally over. The family of the late Dorsie Neptune can now rest a little easier now that the man who snatched her life away will be locked away for good.{{more}}

Justice Gertel Thom sentenced David Roberts to life imprisonment on Monday, January 21, 2008, at the High Court.

Only a few attended the hearing, including the judge, convict, Director of Public Prosecutions Colin Williams and the convict’s lawyer Emery Robertson Jr.

Roberts, 28, of Murray’s Village, was convicted on June 20, 2007, for Neptune’s murder on May 13, 2005, at Murray’s Village.

Notice was given by the DPP Colin Williams that the crown would be seeking the death penalty if Roberts were found guilty.

In passing down her judgment, Justice Thom said that the death penalty must only be imposed in the most extreme cases where there is no reasonable prospect of reform.

Thom also noted the fact that Roberts had 11 previous convictions of theft and was deemed a difficult prospect for reform.

She, however, did not find that Roberts’ case fell in the category of the worst of the worst and, therefore, did not merit a death sentence.

The 77-year-old woman was found at her home lying on the bed with her feet barely touching the floor, her diapers were pulled aside and a pillow covering her face.

A post mortem carried out on Neptune’s body revealed that she died as a result of strangulation.

In Roberts’ testimony, read in court in the June Criminal Assizes last year, he said he went to Neptune’s home at around 9:10am and saw her sitting in the chair. “She ask who there and she say she go call fo help if she ain geh no answer.” Relaying the chilling facts, Roberts said he placed his hands around her throat and started choking her.

“While I was choking she, I see she kick off pon me like she dead,” he said. Roberts said he then carried her into the bedroom and “Tek off she clothes and had sex with she, and when ah finish ah come out and cook some macaroni and chicken.” Roberts further stated that he went in the living room to relax and then had some food. While in the room, Roberts said the neighbour came by the window to ask for Ms Dorsie. He said he ran away and even went on the beach before being caught by Police at Richardson Gas Station.

DNA testing done by Jenifer Luttman, Supervisory Biologist at the FBI lab in Quantica, Virginia, USA, showed that Roberts’ DNA matched with the DNA taken from the deceased.