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Rapist given 15 years

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Kentish Campbell, a man that caused great humiliation and suffering, will be locked away for the next fifteen years.

The 26-year-old farmer of Evesham pleaded guilty on Monday at the High Court to one count of rape and two counts of robbery.{{more}}

Along with the 15-year sentence, Justice Gertel Thom slapped another five-year custodial sentence for robbery on Campbell. His sentences would run concurrently.

The Court heard that on May 21, 2005, a young woman was walking home from “Culture Pot” in Calliaqua at approximately 2am. On reaching Glen in the area of Bryden and Sprott, her attacker came from behind and rested a cutlass on her back and held her by the throat.

The woman said that she was pushed in the bushes where Campbell proceeded to rape her. He demanded that she perform oral sex on him. He told her if she did not, he would kill her. She said she begged him to stop but her cries fell on deaf ears. While raping her, he held the cutlass to her throat.

The woman said that she threw up while performing oral sex on him. She further stated that Campbell made her lie on her back and had sex with her for five minutes. She said he grabbed a gold chain from around her neck while having his way. The terrified woman managed to push Campbell off her and ran naked to a nearby house to seek refuge. The matter was then reported to the police.

Campbell was apprehended when the woman recognized another woman wearing her chain. She was asked about the origin of the chain, which led to Campbell.

Campbell also pleaded guilty to another robbery on November 4, 2005, and was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment. His sentence would run concurrent with the other two sentences. Campbell was charged with robbing a woman of $200 and two cellular phones in Belair.