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Study tips for student success

Study tips for student success

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Read Ahead!

* Obtain a syllabus for the new academic year. This will enable you to read ahead and organize your studies in advance.
* Use your free time before school begins to get familiar with new text books.{{more}}


* Be sure to organize your subject material before the new term begins and continue throughout the year.
* Be sure to separate subject materials into labelled files, store notebooks in safe dry areas and attach old exercise books to new ones for future reference.
* Use your syllabus and obtain past exam papers for your subjects, so that you have an idea of the major areas which will be important for exams.

Manage Time!

* Get a calendar or diary planner.
* Make daily goals for home-work completion, assignments, daily revision.
* Find a quiet, well-lit place to do home-work, revision etc.
* Tick off accomplished work on your daily planner.

Revise Daily!

* Daily revision is an excellent way of absorbing new material which you have just learnt in the classroom.
* Simply read over notes you have made and question your teachers on any unclear areas. The memory works very well when information is freshest in the mind.
* Have a look at yesterday’s work and then have a look at the week’s work every weekend. This trains your mind to remember and makes exam preparation easier later on.

Exam Preparation!

* Preparation is easier when you are organized and you have been revising throughout the year.
* Find out when exams are due in each term.
* Plan your time carefully and ensure that you have enough time to cover the important areas. Cramming is far too risky!
* Use your past papers! These are a great way to practice for exams. Timed essays and exercises are very useful.
* Revise by studying actively- read and make brief notes, record summarised notes onto cue cards and draw colourful charts with this information. Have a look at these notes daily.