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The joys of new beginnings

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Barack Obama’s winning campaign with its theme “Change we can believe in” was tremendously successful and resonated in the hearts of people, not just in the United States, but around the world. Obama’s message of hope came at a time of great unease in our world, a time when the generally accepted view is that we need to do things very differently.{{more}}

Whether we are Christians or not, we must rejoice over the opportunity to start over. This is true at the personal level, at the national level, and, as we are now very much aware because of the meltdown of the Financial Markets and the tailspin in which the Global Economy now finds itself, at the international level as well.

Our world leaders now have a chance to make a new beginning in the desire as expressed in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to create a new World Order where poverty is eradicated, and economic prosperity is attained in all the Countries of the world.

A new beginning: peace and justice, joy and happiness is precisely the message of Christmas, and Christians believe that God intervened in the Human Predicament by the birth of His Son Jesus Christ to make this possible both at the Physical and Material level, as well as at the Spiritual level.

Christmas reminds us that God is a God of new beginnings. We are allowed by God to start over again; we certainly need to do so in many areas of our existence right here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and around the world. Many homes, instead of being places of refuge, are places of torment. In society, in general, we need to learn how to disagree without being disagreeable. The political rancour that has divided our country right down the middle has created enmity between lifelong friends and on a national level, reduced productivity and the resource pool from which talent is drawn. Even though our murder rate went down this year, what of the other types of crimes? We certainly need to start afresh, and it is not a stretch to assert that the way forward must begin with the Message of Christmas, of Peace on earth, and goodwill to all men.

Yes, this is the time for new beginnings, and as we salute our readers at this festive Season, we also challenge our leadership, and our people in general, to use the new opportunity that lies before us to work together in peace and harmony, for an end to violence and crime; for a reduction in poverty; the exaltation of Justice and equity in our land; and the end of greed and rapacity, so that God`s righteousness and love can reign supreme in all our hearts.

A joyous and peaceful Christmas to all.