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Man fined $700 for driving without licence, insurance

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If Grayson Latchman does not come up with $700 by February 28, he will have to spend two months in prison for driving an unlicensed and uninsured motor vehicle.{{more}}

On Monday, January 19th, 2009, the Park Hill resident was charged with driving an unlicensed vehicle. He was also charged with driving an uninsured vehicle. When he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, he pleaded guilty to both charges.

Magistrate Lester Caesar fined him $300 and $400, respectively, for each charge, to be paid by February 28, 2009. In default, he will go to jail.

Latchman told Magistrate Caesar that the vehicle had not been operating for sometime and he was returning from fixing it when he was stopped by police.

The court heard that Police officers were on traffic duties at the Langley Park Public road when they noticed the sticker displayed on the defendant’s vehicle windscreen was not up-to-date. He was approached and the offences were pointed out to him. (VM)