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Time for real closure

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There is light at the end of the tunnel pertaining to the issues confronting the sport of Table Tennis.

As with other national sporting organizations experiencing challenges, the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Table Tennis Association’s issues revolve around personality differences.{{more}}

It is no secret that at the centre of the discord is former President Sean Stanley and the faction that may have forced him to tender his resignation almost two years ago.

Polarisation, isolation, vendetta and victimization have been some of the accusations of both sides.

While the two parties played hardball, Table Tennis certainly became an unfortunate casualty. however, there were some activities by the two.

Nevertheless, Stanley may have scored more points in terms of keeping the sport alive in the long running sporting serial. Stanley, through his academy, has been able to unearth new talent.

In addition, his initiative at organizing inter church and media house championships also created opportunities for not-so-competitive activities for persons who would have otherwise had little to do with Table Tennis.

But Stanley, like all of us, is no saint, and possesses short comings. therefore, he who is without sin let him cast the first stone.

Much was promised following the departure of Stanley. however, the promises have not been translated into real terms.

The association was able to get some of its work going, by way of trying to get its constitution streamlined, its grass roots programme, the hero’s day and emancipation competitions, among other activities.

But it must be said that in general, they have been left wanting.

Additionally, the association has been without a real mouthpiece since the departure of its Public Relations Officer E. Glenford Prescott.

The association was also rocked by the resignation of its Secretary Treasurer Elliot Charles, another experienced administrator.

Investigations reveal that Charles tendered his resignation on the basis of a lack of amiable interpersonal relationships with a key personnel in the Table Tennis set up.

It begs the question whether the current Executive of the SVGTTA is able to put its hand up and be counted as having fulfilled its mandate?

But the answer may not impact or even be relevant as it is time for a new commitment from all concerned in the sport.

Unfortunately, clogged in the drama is that few want to see beyond their big toe and look at the bigger picture. When all have passed on, the sport will be there to go on.

Those who are interested in Table Tennis should just bury the hatchet and let inclusion be the motto, as no one is blessed with a monopoly of ideas or endowed with infinite wisdom.

The fact that Stanley and those who are perceived to be in his corner were allowed to be part of the play offs last weekend is a step in the right direction as the long journey towards healing continued.

Furthermore, the rescinding of the ruling to allow persons beyond the age of 35 years to be eligible for national representation is another step in the right direction.

Let us hope against the odds that real closure will come soonest and there is nothing sinister about the latest developments.

Stanley, Paul Velox, President Alonzo Primus, Bob Ballantyne and other friends and well wishers should just bury the hatchet and decide on their roles in the promotion of Table Tennis, and do away with the pound of flesh, hit back, “do fuh do” approaches.

Sorry is all you can say!

Primus must show what stuff he is made of at this crucial juncture in the life of the sport as he seeks to gel the key players.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines has more problems than it can bear, and adding another through sports spells further doom and gloom.

Still a problem is that “Mound” at the Sion Hill Playing Field.