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Thanks and farewell Ambassador Chamero Trias

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Tue, Sept 14, 2010

It is with more than a tinge of sadness that we have heard the news of the imminent departure of Ambassador Olga Chamero Trias, representative of the Government of the Republic of Cuba to St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Ambassador Chamero Trias has completed her tour of duty and as is the practice in diplomatic circles, will be replaced by a successor.{{more}}

During her time with us in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Ambassador Chamero Trias has presided over the strengthening of relations between our country and her own. These have been difficult times for both countries, like most other non-oil producing developing countries. The fallout from the international economic crisis has severely limited possibilities for economic and social development and tested the capacity of both countries to carry out planned co-operation projects. Yet Cuba’s selfless commitment to the construction of the Argyle International airport has never wavered, nor has Ambassador Chamero Trias’ personal enthusiasm to do all in her power to ensure its success.

That same level of commitment and personal devotion on her part was also exhibited in the role she played in the implementation of the VISION NOW programme, enabling hundreds of Vincentians to virtually save their eyesight, as well as the many other cooperation projects between Cuba and SVG in areas such as health, education, sports and culture. The personal touch of Ambassador Trias has enhanced every one of these.

More than promoting government-to-government relations however, this diplomat has also placed emphasis on developing solidarity and friendship between the people of the respective countries. Under her watch, the Cuban Embassy has embarked on an outreach to the Vincentian public far beyond the normal call of duty. Ambassador Chamero Trias has had regular interaction with the media, local organisations and the public in general, helping to promote greater understanding of her country and its peoples and to forge stronger links between our respective peoples.

In carrying out these tasks, she has not always been met with a reciprocal hand of friendship. There are those in our society who have consistently tried to sow seeds of discord among our two peoples, who have persisted in attacking and slandering the government of Cuba and who continue to strive to poison the minds of our people against Cuba. This is in spite of overwhelming tangible evidence of the great benefits which have ensued to us from our relations with Cuba. Fortunately, most Vincentians have not been carried away by such actions and have held Cuba and its diplomatic and co-operation representatives in high regard.

As the Ambassador prepares to leave our shores, SEARCHLIGHT would like to publicly express our thanks and appreciation to her, the government and people of Cuba. We wish her every success in her new endeavours and would like her in departing to take with her the best wishes of our people.