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My Spiritual Shoulder

My Spiritual Shoulder

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Winning Love Story (Dating Couple) for the Total Inspiration 100.5 Valentine’s Love Story Promotion

Psalm 34:8 tells us to taste and see that the Lord is good, and indeed everything about Him is good. I tried a love that excluded God and I was hurt as much as I hurt others; but the grace of God led me to repentance and I was allowed to taste and see the real love that is only found in Christ Jesus.{{more}}

I remember telling God in prayer that I want to have a relationship with Him and that I will do it His way and on His terms. I promised that I would never again leave Him out of anything that concerns me.

That’s how I met her. I had never before come across a young lady that loved the Lord so much. Her entire life was about Christ and I remember thinking “so this is what a woman of virtue is like.” I prayed about my feelings and I went to her youth leader to seek his advice. I will never forget what he told me, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you.” Immediately I knew that since this young lady was buried so deep in Christ that if I even wanted her to remember my name that I too would have to draw closer to God.

I began to seek God and on my journey, she was there to encourage me and pray with and for me. She is my spiritual shoulder. We studied the Bible together and shared revelations and experiences with each other. Slowly, but surely, I watched as God revealed His love towards me through this young lady. He used her as an example to relate things to me concerning our own relationship. Through this friendship, God showed me what it meant to love Him, myself and others. I cannot imagine where I would be if she were not placed in my life. And though she may not always admit it, God has taught her one or two things through me as well. We had our ups and downs in the past, but we make a great team for God!

She is my best friend and sister in Christ. I love her dearly, not for any reason or because I want something in return, I love her for who she is and just because she exists. I would lay down my life for my friend because Christ taught that there is no greater love than this. I want the best for her in every area of life. Like I said, she is my best friend, and though it is just a friendship, it is still true love, because it is all about Christ and God’s will. Though it has only been about a year and two months of friendship, it seems like an entire lifetime. I pray that God keeps us in each other’s life and, who knows, maybe one day we can be more than friends. Love you B!