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The family of the Late Roy Fitzgerald Fraser of Langley Park, Georgetown

Sunrise: 22nd July, 1959
Sunset: 18th February, 2011

Wish to thank all those who visited us, prayed for and with us, sent cards, wreaths, telephoned, attended the funeral or in any way demonstrated love and concern in our time of bereavement

Does Jesus Care?

Does Jesus care when I’ve said goodbye, to the dearest on earth to me, and my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks, is it ought to him does he see?

O yes, he cares, I know he cares, his heart is touched with my grief, when the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my savior cares

(Frank E. Graett)

Sadly missed by wife, son, daughter, mother, brothers, sisters, other relatives and friends

May your soul rest in peace.