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Wizards, Cingular link up for Vincy mas

Wizards, Cingular link up for Vincy mas

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Telecommunications company Cingular Wireless has put the magic touch on Wizards mas camp with a contribution of EC$8,500 dollars.

Sales and Services Manager Nadine Agard said the mas camp had a reputation for producing excellent quality mas and believes that this year masqueraders would not be disappointed. Agard noted that beside the level of creative detail in the pieces, the friendliness of the band members would encourage masqueraders to participate in the festival. {{more}}She described Wizards as diligent and stressed that Cingular Wireless was pleased to be part of the development of art and culture through their sponsorship.

Receiving the cheque, Idris Baptiste Wizards marketing manager noted that the band would not just be receiving the cheque, but would also ensure that their sponsors benefit. He said that this partnership would take the form of coupons for which masqueraders get discounts on the services offered by Cingular Wireless if they play with Wizards. Baptiste said that aspect would open possibilities for both organisations, giving them mutual growth. He also acknowledged the passing of one of the senior members, Jamil Abdul Samad.

Meanwhile Chairman of PanKaiMas Hugh Ragguette praised the collaboration between Wizards and Cingular noting that both organisations where unassuming in nature but effective in their results. He said that among the hype of the telecommunications world “freeing up” in this country, Cingular had been unassuming.

He said similarly, Wizards, has been around since 1983 and has proved to be four-time champions.

Raguette said that while other people would be loud in their expressions of disapproval of the decisions made by judges, Wizards were more accepting of the results.

Cingular will also be giving away five costumes to pre-paid and post paid customers as part of its carnival promotions.