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More than “Just” a little effort needed to overthrow Fya Empress

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Tue June 25, 2013

The calypso association, which organized last Friday’s calypso semi finals, must be pleased with the turnout to the show and the response of the patrons to the entertaining package.{{more}}

This year, none of those chosen to go through to the finals performed hard-hitting political commentary, maybe saving their heavy artillery for the night of the finals.

Most of the finalists performed songs that have strong themes of patriotism and national pride or commented generally on ills in society, such as the economic situation, littering or the plight of young males.

Those calypsonians selected, or rather, those left out, have been the subject of much heated debate, with some aggrieved members of the public calling for the judges to be replaced. What else is new?

Glen “Bump-I” Richards, in one of the few light-hearted pieces of the night, poked fun at his fellow calypsonians in his number “Judge”. His performance was very well received by the audience, and apparently the judges, who saw it fit to send him through to the finals.

Two of the finalists made it through with calypsos which should sit well with the Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU). “If” the SWMU is looking for a song to assist with its education campaigns, Glenford “Azara” Charles’ number, which bemoans the garbage and litter situation in this country, would be a good pick. Javelle “Diya” Frank, with her “Don’t Cry Kingstown,” had a similar theme, but she went beyond litter and also drew attention to the potholes, traffic congestion and growing population of homeless people in Kingstown.

David “Chang I” Morgan, with an energetic presentation, showed he is “100% Vincy,” while Glenroy “Homie” Delpesche is confident that “St Vincent Will Rise,” despite the current hardships we are undergoing.

The spin given by John “De Truth” Dougan and Dennis Bowman to two of the more popular topics of national discussion over the past six months, was sufficient to propel both men from the New York-based Dynamites tent into the finals. In his song, Dougan sings about the “Betrayal” an old woman told him she feels, by the directors of the Building and Loan Association. Bowman also sings about betrayal in his piece, “Whey he Dey?“ but of national hero, Paramount Chief Joseph Chatoyer, whom he says has not received sufficient official recognition.

Shernelle “Skarpyon” Williams, is in by the skin of his teeth, as he had to wait “Until” Ronald “Ron B” Browne dropped out. Ron B was picked, but could not “Make Ends Meet” for personal reasons. Shaunelle McKenzie, celebrating her 20th anniversary as a calypsonian, will not make her “Mama Cry”, as she is one of the finalists.

Grantley “Ipa” Constance “mastered his drunkenness” enough to deliver his popular piece well, and will be the only former monarch to come up against the reigning monarch in the competition on the evening of Dimanche Gras.

Although Kingsley “Hero” Roberts’s “Vincy Style”, Gasnel “GC” Cupid’s “The Voice of Pan” and Carlos “Rejector” Providence’s “Push the Pan” will not be heard at the finals, we hope those sweet melodies, ideal for pan, will be taken up and performed by the many steel orchestras we now have in our midst.

Aurella “Queen B” Beache gave a solid performance, with her song “Domestic Violence,” but again, she was a victim, and she did not get the approval of the judges. Elliot “Mystery” Shallow, though performing well, will have to wait on “A Second Chance”. The judges also said no to Fitzroy “Brother Ebony” Joseph’s call to “Bring Back the Cat-O-Nine-Tails”, while the “Big Red Jumbie” from country squeezed Paul “I-Madd” Scrubb out of the finals.

Bridgette “Joy-C” Creese, who despite not being in the best of health, gave a creditable performance with “No fight with CAL”, which looks at the competition in the region between air carriers LIAT and CAL. She did not make it, neither did Kirk “Ninja” Knights with his “Yes We Can”, Zamfir “Man Zangie” Adams with “I am Innocent” or former monarch Kenneth “Vibrating Skakes” Alleyne.

The 10 finalists should realize by now that more than “Just” a little effort will be needed to overthrow reigning monarch Fya Empress, who by all indications seems set to fiercely defend her crown.