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Message from the President

Message from the President

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Being the newest member of the Caribbean Star family, it is my distinct pleasure to have the opportunity to celebrate with you the phenomenal growth of one of the Caribbean’s most preferred airlines.

In marking our fifth anniversary, we acknowledge the tremendous support we have received from the region’s tourism industry and the travelling public, without which our history would have been different. Special mention must also be made of our outstanding staff, whose commitment and dedication have played a major role in our success and, specifically, the 72 of our co-workers who are also celebrating their fifth anniversary with us. {{more}}

Today our airline provides the competitive, world-class air transportation services and infrastructure our region needs to grow and prosper, and we continue to expand our routes, flight options and customer service. This commitment to customer satisfaction is a defining principle of our long-term vision to be “… the world’s best airline.”

We have recorded a 50 per cent growth in passengers for each of the past four years and our StarPac service has grown more than 1,000 per cent. In an economic environment where other airlines have been forced to make cutbacks in service, we continue to increase our investment in human resources, systems and training to create a better experience and more choices for our customers.

Our commitment to the communities we serve extends from sponsorship of cultural events and sporting teams to assistance following natural disasters as we did in Grenada after Hurricane Ivan and Tropical Storm Emily.

It has been five years since our maiden flight, five years that have seen us move from a feasible option for intraregional travel to the preferred choice – the key being the satisfaction of you, our passengers. As we look forward, the sky is cloudless and our trim adjusted to provide a future filled with innovation, expanded services and continued growth.

Thank you for giving us the support to light up the Caribbean skies!