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In Memoriam

In Memoriam

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Fri, Jun 27, 2014

Noreen May Layne

In Loving Memory of Noreen May Layne, better known as ‘Tantie May’ of Sion Hill who departed this life on 26th June 2013

We cannot say and we will not say that you are dead,
you are just away.

With a cheery smile and a wave of hand
you have wandered into an unknown land
and left us dreaming how very fair

It needs must be since you linger there

and you – oh you, for whom we will forever yearn
from the old time step and the glad return

We think of you faring in as dear

In the love of there as the love of here

We think of you the same way.

I say you are not dead, you are just away.

Loved and remembered by your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, relatives, and many friends.

Rest in peace.