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Let’s go forward into 2017 with optimism

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As the end of the year approaches, many of us will be involved in some measure of self reflection, after which, we may resolve on some level, to do better in the New Year.

It is a good thing to look inward, whether as individuals, families, companies, communities or as a nation, for it is only in doing so that patterns of behaviour in our lives are revealed. Self examination also presents the opportunity to figure out what has been working, what has not, and hopefully how better can be done.

2016 has been a difficult one for St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) in many ways. Our economy still has not picked up from the global economic recession of 2008 and the ugly spectre of violence reached unprecedented levels, with a record 38 murders (up to press time) this year.

During the course of the year, our workers took several hard knocks, with dozens being laid off from projects, especially in the Grenadines, and towards the end of the year, others from two high profile companies on the mainland were forced to spend Christmas without their full pay.

There have been several other reports of instances when we have not always been as kind to each other as we should.

As we move into 2017, would it be unreasonable to summon a small amount of optimism about our economic prospects and the way we live with each other going forward?

There are slight glimmers of hope. Just yesterday, we heard of the good news that the long awaited Argyle International Airport (AIA) will become operational on Valentine’s Day – February 14, 2017.

This morale lifter and boost to our tourism and agricultural industries could not come at a better time. We are not so naive to think that just because the AIA is operational, all will be well. However, its opening does make possible certain opportunities that previously did not exist. It is now up to us to take advantage of them.

The construction of the airport has called for tremendous sacrifice from us all, but we should support the project, as in the medium to long term, we all stand to benefit, not just in relation to tourism, but in all aspects of trade and economic activity.

Except for a murder yesterday morning, the police have reported a generally quiet Christmas season with few incidents of criminality. What is it about this season that causes us to live more peacefully with each other? Oh that we could continue like this into the New Year! Loving homes result in a more peaceful community, nation and world.

The Board of Directors, Management and Staff of Interactive Media Ltd, the publishers of Searchlight express our sincere gratitude to our advertisers, readers, vendors, contributors and newsmakers for your support over the past year. It has not been an easy time for us, as we have been called on to do more with less.

Despite the competitive news environment in which we operate, and a more discerning and demanding public, with more news options open to them, we have managed to keep our head above water. We do not take your support lightly, as we know the decision to spend up to $3.00 a week on SEARCHLIGHT, or an annual e-subscription fee of $98 must be balanced against other household needs. We pledge to continue to work hard to maintain your confidence as a source of news you can trust.

A happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to everyone.