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Man found with face mask, suspicious items, charged

Man  found with face  mask,  suspicious  items, charged

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A man who was found with a face mask and other suspicious paraphernalia returns to court next Tuesday September 12.

Ulrick Hanson appeared at the Serious Offences Court on Wednesday, charged that on Monday, September 4 in Kingstown, he had in his possession, a black face mask, pliers and a screwdriver, implements to be used in the commission of theft.

Hanson pleaded not guilty and was given bail in the sum of EC$3,000, one surety. He was also placed on a curfew, 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. and must report to the police on Mondays and Thursdays.

By the end of court, no one had appeared to sign Hanson’s bail and as he was being led away, he stuck up his middle finger to a member of the press who took his photograph.