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Georgetown man told to drink ‘legal tea’ to relax

Georgetown man told to drink ‘legal tea’ to relax

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Chief Magistrate Rechanne Brown-Matthias seems to be somewhat of a tea connoisseur, as on Monday, she gave examples of teas that a man charged with marijuana possession could have used to relax instead of the illegal herb.

On September 5, police officers executed a search warrant at the home of Rayon Woods of Georgetown and found 83 grammes of marijuana in his bedroom. He was charged with possession with intent to supply, after telling police officers, “officer is just some drugs.”

On Monday, when he appeared at the Serious Offences Court, he pleaded guilty to the offence and told the court that he had no intention of supplying the drug to anyone, as he keeps it for personal use to make tea, so that he could relax after work.

“You wanted to relax? You don’t drink tea like camomile, peppermint…?” asked the Chief Magistrate, to which the defendant replied, “no ma’am.”

Browne-Matthias encouraged the defendant to try legal tea and after hearing he had no antecedents; she fined him EC$250 or in default, one month in prison. He was given until midday Monday to pay the fine.