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Man pleads guilty to ammo charges, gets one year

Man pleads guilty to ammo charges, gets one year

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A 21-year-old man will spend a year in prison for possession of ammunition, contrary to the Firearms Act.

On October 15, Romarion Bynoe and Gailene Simon, a 30-year-old female, were jointly arrested and charged with possession of an imitation firearm, two rounds of 9 mm ammunition and three 5.56 mm rounds of ammunition, contrary to the Firearms Act.

When the case came before the Serious Offences Court on Tuesday, the prosecution withdrew the case against Simon and only Bynoe was left to answer the charges against him.

Bynoe chose to plead guilty to the two charges of illegal ammunition said to have been in his possession, but not guilty to the possession of an imitation firearm.

Following his guilty plea to two of the offences, Bynoe was given six months and twelve months in prison respectively. The sentences are to run at the same time; therefore the defendant will spend a year in prison.

Since Bynoe pleaded not guilty to possession of an imitation firearm, he will return to court on November 14 for his trial in relation to this offence.(KR)